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August 14th Disagree Better Summit

By August 29, 2024September 4th, 2024CommonSense News

Partnered with the Wheatley Institute, the Washington National Cathedral, and Wesley Theological Seminary, The National Institute for Civil Discourse is pleased that our first event under the Sacred Spaces initiative was a success!

In a compelling call for unity and understanding, Governor Kevin Stitt urged Oklahomans, and all Americans, to “disagree better.” Governor Stitt emphasized the importance of engaging in respectful, civil conversations, even when opinions differ on contentious issues.

The event, held at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum on August 14th, featured an insightful panel of speakers, including Governor Stitt, Dr. Tim Shriver of the Special Olympics, Democratic State Representative Suzanne Schreiber, and other distinguished leaders. They explored effective ways to foster respectful and constructive dialogue across political divides.

Are you interested in learning more about the summit and the impactful conversations? Click here to view the recording. Looking ahead, we are excited to announce that our next Disagree Better Summit will be held in Colorado. Stay tuned for more details!