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Weekly Update: Very close to 3,000 briefs completed!

By June 14, 2024June 20th, 2024CommonSense News

We are very close to reaching 3,000 briefs completed! Thank you to all of our engaged CSA members!

Congressional Briefings

We are continuing to brief congressional offices on Career-Connected Learning, Workforce Pell. Are you interested in participating in a briefing live via Zoom? Email us about your interest!

Career-Connected Learning Briefs

2,963 CommonSense American members have completed our 2023 brief. Help us inform Congress on your thoughts on CCL. Click here to weigh in.

Complete the Brief


We had another state ambassador orientation on Tuesday the 11th. Our ambassadors have the opportunity to engage with congressional staff during briefings and represent the opinions of CSA members.

Do you want to be more involved with CommonSense American? Consider becoming a volunteer State Ambassador. Click here to learn more and apply!

Check out our newest state ambassadors below!