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Weekly Update: 2800 Briefs Completed + Keith Allred on Panel

By May 17, 2024May 22nd, 2024CommonSense News

May 13, National Skills Coaltion Skills Summit

On May 13th, CSA Executive Director Keith Allred was on the panel for NSC’S Skills Bipartisanship Summit. The National Skills Coalition is dedicated to expanding inclusive, high-quality skills training so that more people have access to a better life, and more local businesses experience sustained growth.

Keith Allred spoke on CSA’s latest polling on Career-Connected Learning.

Congressional Briefings

We are pleased to say we have now briefed over 150 congressional offices!

Career-Connected Learning Briefs

2,800 CommonSense American members have completed our 2023 brief.  Help us inform Congress on your thoughts on CCL. Click here to weigh in.

Complete the Brief


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